– ours just happen to be about delivering quality Hemp products at an affordable price.
Medterra provides customers with true seed to sale purchases. Our industrial hemp is grown and extracted in accordance within the strict guidelines of the Kentucky Department of Agriculture. Each and every product that leaves the facility must be third-party tested to ensure consistency and quality.
Medterra is proud to be in partnership with the Hemp Pilot Research Program to be able to provide customers quality Hemp products in all 50 states and most international countries.
Although hemp cultivation, extraction and manufacturing is relatively new to the US, our team of experts and partners have dedicated their lives to industrial farming methodologies, food-grade compound extraction, vegetable genetics, and quality control, just to name a few.
Made in America
US Hemp Authority Certified
Grain Free
Third Party Tested

We couldn’t wait to do something worthwhile with our time that helps others by potentially improving their quality of life. It warms our hearts to know that we’re able to play a hand in something this amazing.
We’re on a mission to innovate. Our entire team is passionate about introducing new products that help others in exciting ways. Every day we are hard at work with formulating, researching, tending the farm, (getting overly competitive at the ping pong table) and sourcing the finest ingredients for new product launches. We won’t stop until we’re satisfied that we have something for everyone, and every pet, out there.

Everything we do, we do it for you. Early on we all agreed that we need to share the wealth. We do this by promoting Hemp education and by helping raise the standards of the industry. Additionally, our doors are always open, so if you’re in the area and want to chat – feel free. We’re a friendly bunch and we’re always working on getting better. We can’t wait to share what’s next!
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